
Enjoy SCHS programs year-round, in Charleston and across the state

Winter Lecture Series

Join SCHS in February and March 2025 for our Winter Lecture Series: Untold Stories of the American Revolution. Each lecture will take place at 6pm at the Unitarian Church in Charleston (4 Archdale Street). There is also an option to livestream for those unable to attend in person.

February 25: “A Promised Land: Jewish Patriots, the American Revolution, and the Birth of Religious Freedom” presented by Adam Jortner, Goodwin-Philpott Eminent Professor of Religion, Department of History, Auburn University. This event is co-sponsored by the Jewish Heritage Collection, College of Charleston.

March 4: “‘…I continued during the whole war’: The Exceptional Typical Military Service of Winsor Fry–Soldier of Color During the Revolutionary War” presented by Shirley L. Green, Adjunct Professor, Department of History, University of Toledo and Bowling Green State University; Director, Toledo Police Museum.

170th Annual Meeting

The South Carolina Historical Society invites you to join us in celebration of our 170th Annual Meeting featuring an exciting program and presentation of our impactful work. Enjoy cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, celebrate our successes, and learn about upcoming projects.

The 170th Annual Meeting will take place at 5:30pm on Thursday, March 13th at South Carolina Society Hall in Charleston (72 Meeting Street)

200th Anniversary of the Marquis de Lafayette’s Return to America

Join the South Carolina Historical Society at 5pm on Friday, March 14th at the Fireproof Building as we celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Marquis de Lafayette’s return to America and his historic tour of Charleston in March 1825. This special event will feature a remarkable Loud & Brothers square piano, crafted in Philadelphia in 1824 specifically for Lafayette’s tour and kindly on loan from the Sigal Music Museum in Greenville.